About us

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Birth of the project and the first ideas for achievements.




First exchanges and sharing of collaborative reflections.

Clear desire to create an international non-governmental organization.



Framing of the whole project.

Constitution and gathering of human forces for the project.

Drafting of legal statutes and internal regulations.

Beginning of work on visual identity.

Consolidation of the name of the organization.

Purchase of the domain name and choice of internet server.

Official creation with validation in Prefecture and publication in the Official Journal.

Creation of the name + logo + slogan accompanied by the graphic charter.

First General Assembly of members.

Creation of the website and social networks.

First official communication.

Launch of the first actions.

First actions in primary school

Development of the Marketing / WebMarketing

Our structure

What exactly is On The Ball?

A non-profit, non-affiliated and independent international NGO (non-governmental organization), wishing to sensitize young girls and boys to first aid gestures through sports.

Our reasons

But why embark on this project?

We wish to convey strong value ​​of sharing, enjoyment, tolerance, mutual respect through a common universal language: football.

Our goals

For what purposes?

Bring fulfillment and hope to mixed-gender children by participating in their development through learning around a team sport.

Our approach

How to do it?

By acting directly on the field with qualified educators, in order to put the children in position around a team sport game following civic, and sporting modules as well as initiation to first aid gestures.

Our team

With what human resources?

Our team is made up of qualified professionals, all volunteers. Collaborative work by more than 20 people has made it possible to create and develop a serious, coherent and stable organization with its own identity.

Our ambition

What is On The Ball ambition?

On The Ball aims to shine worldwide. The goal is to be able to plan the development of humanitarian field actions in several countries of the world. We specifically target mixed-gender children from all backgrounds, cultures and religions.

Our missions

  • Bring hope and bring joy to different communities of children through the teaching of a collective sport.
  • Improve children’s daily lives by participating in the development of their community.
  • Undertake targeted field actions by providing civic programs, initiation to first aid and adapted sports.
  • Design, propose and carry out action programs evaluated with local partners and taking into account their needs, in order to act appropriately towards concerned children.
  • Engage the general public, future generations, the educational and sports community around this cause for the benefit of children all over the world.

Our vision

  • Favor the sharing of experiences and dialogue to support our actions :
    our success is based on our ability to communicate a need to a targeted population and deliver our own quality standards.
  • Generate commitment: we create the will to act, to unite by inspiring and mobilizing new people for the benefit of our cause.
  • Encourage innovation: we bring together different players to constantly bring new solutions to guide our work.
  • Fostering everyone’s talent: we promote and develop the skills of all our volunteers for the benefit of our actions in the field.
  • Ensuring diversity: we are committed to ensuring the diversity of sexes and cultures.
  • Act on all continents, in several countries around the world.

Our most important values:

On The Ball © 2019-2025